Friday, February 20, 2009

Friends and "Facebook Friends"

In the typical "chain of mirrors" effect of clicking from link to link on blogs and google, I've been reflecting on this reflection on the Pope's reflections on Facebook. And it has to be said: since signing up for Facebook I've extended my range of "Facebook friends" considerably - even to include two people I've never met but who are friends of friends.

But this warning note is worth heeding: We should be careful, therefore, never to trivialize the concept or the experience of friendship.

Most of my "friends" on Facebook are acquaintances from college and former students - people I certainly want to keep in touch with, but not at the expense of old and valued friendships with people not on Facebook, whom I have made precious little effort to contact of late (my slothful nature following the path of least resistance as water flows down hill). And now one of my brothers is here talking about his trip to Vietnam, and I'm trying to finish a blog post before listening, just so as not to have to save it and finish it later. OK, I think we can agree I've got a problem. Perhaps I've just identified what I should be giving up for Lent.


Janet Cupo said...

Well, then, I better say hello and goodbye pretty quickly.


Paul said...

Not sure what that means ...

Janet Cupo said...

If you're giving it up for Lent, then today is my last chance to say hello and goodbye for while. That's all it meant.


Paul said...

Well, I still have email ...

Seb said...

Ah, so this is what you were typing then ;o)

Paul said...

Yes, sorry Seb!